Erin Stanczyk |

raw vegan

Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan

Eat, RecipesErin StanczykComment

A Not-So-Guilty Pleasure

I used to love going through the Starbucks drive-thru for a hot cup of green tea and a birthday cake pop, but like a lot of things, that fell away as we moved more and more towards plant-based and eventually went vegan. I don’t know why it took me until now to finally figure out how to make them on my own at home, with cleaner & fewer ingredients and without having to preheat the oven!

* Keeping my writing short and sweet in this blog post because I’m working on something exciting—enjoy the fun photos and recipe! ;) | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan
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Valentine’s No-Bake Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan

These guilt-free, bite-size treats are perfect to share with your Sweets this Valentine’s Day, and whether you’re a vanilla or chocolate-lover, I’ve gotcha covered! Not only are these cake pops gluten-free, they contain zero refined sugar and don’t require any baking!

dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, refined-sugar-free, kid-friendly, & oh-so-sweet!

makes: 10 pops // time: 25 min


birthday cake pops + brownie bite cake pops


  • 1/4 cup solid cacao butter

  • 1/4 cup soaked cashews

  • 3 tbsp oat milk

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup or agave nectar

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract or flavor (for birthday cake pops)

  • handful freeze dried raspberries

    • crumble in a bowl for birthday cake pops

    • add into food processor for brownie bites


  1. Drain and rinse soaked cashews and add to a food processor along with coconut flour, dates (or liquid sweetener), vanilla or vanilla protein powder, and oat milk and process until well-combined. A crumbly, dense, texture should form, that can be easily rolled into a ball. If too watery, add more coconut flour, if too dry, add more oat milk.

  2. Roll dough into balls, stick cake pop sticks (or paper straws) in them, and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

  3. Place in freezer to harden. Meanwhile, heat cacao butter on stovetop over low heat until melted.

  4. Place cashews, oat milk, maple syrup, and vanilla into food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Add melted cacao butter and blend again.

  5. Place mixture into refrigerator for 10-15 min to thicken a bit, and then remove cake balls from freezer and dip in frosting until fully coated. If frosting drips, twist cake pop until it settles.

  6. Sprinkle freeze dried raspberries, shredded coconut, cacao nibs, or other toppings of choice on top and place back in freezer to solidify. Keeps well in refrigerator for a few days or longer in the freezer!


  • Other types of flour will not work in this recipe, because they do not absorb as much moisture as coconut flour.

  • Another delicious variation is to add a bit of nut butter to the chocolate cake pops!

  • You can also try pressing the “cake” dough into a tray and creating power bars topped with the frosting | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan

Sharing A Bit Of XOXO | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan | Erin Stanczyk | Valentine’s No-Bake Brownie & Birthday Cake Pops | Gluten-Free Vegan

Treat Yourself

Self-care and self-love is not selfish! Treat yourself to some homemade cake pops, a spa day, a good read, or whatever else may speak to your heart and feed your soul!

Wishing you all a Happy Heart Day!

Designed For Your Lifestyle,


Erin Stanczyk |

Avocado Key Lime Pie | A Raw Vegan Dessert

Eat, Food + Nutrition, RecipesErin Stanczyk8 Comments

When The Avocado’s Ripe…

There’s nothing worse than craving avocado, only to go to the store and find that they’re either premature or past their prime. So after reluctantly rounding up a handful of rock hard avocados, you head home…and wait. After a good 2-3 days of twiddling your thumbs, you head down to the kitchen, take a deep breath, gulp, and ahhhh a perfectly tender, ripe avocado!

Now it’s go time! You know that sucker’s not gonna last forever! | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk

It Takes Two, Baby

On the rare occasion that I have an excess of perfectly ripe avocados, I like to get creative with them. There are so many ways to enjoy this deliciously healthy fat, besides just whipped up into guacamole. Don’t get me wrong, I think guac should be a food group, but, I was craving something sweet!

The other night we were invited to a vegan dinner party (yes, in Nebraska! LOL), and we were assigned to bring a dessert. I immediately turned to the ripe avocados and concluded,

nothing goes together better than avocado & lime! | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk

Erin Stanczyk |
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Avocado Key Lime Pie

There’s no better summer combo than avocado and lime! If you’re looking for something sweet and tart and nutritiously indulgent, then look no further than this totally raw treat! This dairy-free dessert is loaded with healthy fats and natural sugars, and is free of all the questionable stuff like dairy, oil, and gluten!

a dairy-free, gluten-free, oil-free, creamy & dreamy, tart ‘n’ tangy treat!

time: 20min prep, 2hr freeze // servings: 8-9



  • 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes

  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans

  • 1/2 cup pitted Medjool dates (8-10)

  • 2 teaspoons lime zest

  • dash of Himalayan salt

tart filling:

  • 2 avocados

  • 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lime juice

  • 1/4 cup coconut nectar (agave or maple syrup work too)

  • 1 teaspoon lime zest


  1. Place all crust ingredients into a food processor and process until sticky, uniform consistency is achieved. Press evenly into cupcake tray or tart pans. (I used this BPA-free silicone tray that works great)!

  2. Place tray into freezer and allow to harden while processing filling ingredients.

  3. Place all filling ingredients into blender or food processor and process until smooth, creamy consistency is achieved. Pour evenly into cupcake tray or tart pans and smooth tops with spoon.

  4. Place in freezer for at least 2 hours. Remove from freezer and let thaw for a couple of minutes. The longer the pie sits out, the more pudding-like it will become (it still tastes great), but serve and enjoy quickly if you prefer it to be solid!


  • Top with raspberry purée, fresh berries, shredded coconut, lime zest, and/or lime wedges

  • Store in the freezer for a few weeks in a sealed container once frozen through

  • About 200 calories for 9 cupcake-size servings

Erin Stanczyk | | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk

Just The Facts

  • One avocado has twice the potassium of a banana, which can help reduce muscle cramps

  • The healthy fats in avocado aid in better absorption of key vitamins & minerals in other foods

  • Avocados are high in vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, some B vitamins, vitamin E, and fiber

  • Although they are not a strong source of protein, avocados do contain all 9 essential amino acids

  • Avocados are great for hair, skin, & nails when eaten and when used externally in personal care products

  • Avocado goes with anything and everything and should probably be a food group! | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk | Raw Vegan Avocado Key Lime Pie | by Erin Stanczyk

Let’s Avo-cuddle

I hope you’re having an amazing summer, and that this recipe will hit the spot! I’ll let you in on a little secret—avocado makes for a fantastic first baby food!

Stay tuned on the EatMoveRest YouTube channel for a peak into Max’s first bite of solid food (coming soon), and a little run-through of his adorably hilarious reactions to a handful of our favorite fruits, veggies, and other plant-powered foods!

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out one of our kid-friendly avocado smoothie recipes on our Favorite Baby Products video HERE!

Alright you guys, I’ve got a sweet little baby boy to go avo-cuddle with!

Designed For Your Lifestyle,


Erin Stanczyk |