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How To Be Happy For The Holidays Series: Day 5

DIY, Design + Decor, Fashion + Style, Lifestyle, RelationshipsErin Stanczyk1 Comment
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5

Happy For The Holidays

Well, here we are, 10 days until Christmas (and 4 days 'til my birthday)! A very fitting occurrence happened yesterday, when I woke up to a  delightful little surprise on the front doorstep! There sat a big package with a J.Crew label on it and "Fragile" stickers on all six sides. I felt like this was a scene from 'A Christmas Story,' and I was about to unveil a long, scantily clad leg lamp. When I sliced the box open and removed all of the fluff, my eyes were blinded by a beautiful neon pink acrylic shoebox—and then I knew—my first pair of #shinyponies had arrived! When I removed the lid, unraveled the several loops of twine, and tore through the tissue paper, I was like a kid on Christmas!

The very metallic loafers that I always thought I could "see myself" in were sitting right there in my hands! To fill you in, Jen Lyons, the president and creative director at J.Crew personally selected 5 winners for her #shinyponies photo contest, and one of them was somehow me! Needless to say, her impeccable taste really hit a home run with the most perfect pair of shoes! Talk about an early birthday/Christmas surprise! I am beyond grateful, and if there's two takeaways I can share, they would be: 1) Take Risks: If you want to win the lottery, you've got to buy a ticket! and 2) Be Bold: Don't be afraid to be spontaneous, creative, clever, witty, and unapologetically you—share yourself with the world! 

*If you haven't already, check out Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 of the series!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5

The other reason I decided to fill you in on the free-shoes-for-a-year deal is because it oddly enough fits perfectly with Day 5 of my 7 Holiday Hang-ups + 7 Simple Solutions. In No. 5, I'm going to discuss: Spending Money // Credit Card Probs // Shopping ‘Til You Drop. Nothing solves a shopping and spending problem faster than free shoes for a year! These things don't happen that often, though, so I've got a laundry list of other quick fixes to help save your bank account this holiday season!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5
Holiday Hang-up 5

Every year you toy with the notion of what it would be like to do away with giving and getting gifts, and then Black Friday hits. The commercials on tv, the pretty storefront displays, the tiny ads scrolling on the side of your computer screen, not to mention everything is 50% off! You keep adding things to your wish list, and every time you run to the store you throw that extra something special in your cart, because you just know so-and-so will adore you for it! Before you know it, your bank account is empty and your credit cards are all maxed out.

It’s ironic how we all go around the table and talk about what it is we’re thankful for on Thanksgiving, and then hours later we’re pushing, shoving, and fighting over things that we think we still need. Many people spend the entire next year paying off credit card bills form Christmas alone. If the very thought of spending money you don’t have stresses you out, you’re going to be miserable during what should be the most joyful time of the year!

Simple Solution 5

Budget + Save

Exchanging gifts on Christmas is such a joy, from wrapping and making them look pretty, to placing them under the tree to 'ooh' and 'ahh' at while counting down the days--and, of course, that priceless look on the face of a loved one when they open that last gift that they’d been wanting all year long! I don’t know if it would feel like Christmas without opening presents! However, it might be helpful to set a budget for your spending.

This is another instance where you’ll need to have sit-down talk with your spouse, parents, siblings, or whoever else might be going crazy showering you with gifts. Dusty and I usually try to come up with some sort of budget for each other, that way we don’t expect too much, and also don’t have to stress about overspending on each other. Along with setting a budget, I also like to allocate a chunk of my savings to Christmas gifts. With every paycheck throughout the year, I add to savings, knowing in the back of my mind that a portion of it will go towards presents. This is an awesome way to keep from overspending!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5

Make Gifts + Create Experiences

I know a family that decided not to buy into the consumer shopping craze, but opted instead to create gifts and experiences for each other this year. I really loved that idea, but wasn’t quite on board with no presents at all. Dusty and I talked about spending less and making something for each other instead. The two of us both enjoy working with our hands and like to get crafty—not only is it more cost-effective to DIY, it's also so much more rewarding. On top of that, it's a great way to create something with sentimental value and lasting memories. Get creative—write a poem, perform a song, paint a picture, frame a photo you took, get on Pinterest for inspiration!

Studies show that people remember experiences, not material goods!

Reason for the Season

As I get older, the hubs and I continue to think more about the true meaning behind the holiday season, and what we’re really celebrating. Being Christians, it’s important to us to worship, pray, and prepare for our Savior’s birth! Nurturing a relationship with God, especially during the holiday season, really helps me to reflect on what it is that I really need, and what I really don't need. It's a great reminder that we are on this earth to do more than accumulate goods, but to make a positive impact on those around us! We can't take our worldly treasures with us when we leave!

Donate + Give

Dusty and I make an effort to do more than just spend our money on frivolous things, but to also allocate a certain amount to charity and the Church. Being mindful of those that are less fortunate can really help to put things into perspective, and make it easier to spend less money overall. Especially during the holidays, food banks can use extra non-perishables, and shelters need to be able to provide warm clothing to those that don't have any. Be giving of your time and resources and the greed will begin to fade away!

Holiday Hang-ups Around Our Home

*Each day I'll also be sharing some "holiday hang-ups" around our home—because if there's one thing we love to do, it's decorate for Christmas.

I decided my "joy" hang-up needed to be accompanied by some "peace" and "love" the other day, and it just so happened that I was wearing a shirt that said love! I decided to jump into the shot to complete the trio, before I created my "love" hang-up!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO BE HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5

For the "love" hang-up, I took a canvas that I had previously painted in neutrals that I knew I would end up finding a way to use! Guys, I'm kind of a hoarder, because I always eventually find a use for every little thing that I save! I love to recycle, repurpose, and reuse old crafty items! So, I took the canvas and clipped a couple of sprigs of pine from my live garland hanging on the railing inside, and used a wooden heart (it was part of one of my old spelling bee trophies from grade school) and made this cute "Ode to Love" to complete my trio! May PEACE, JOY, and LOVE be with you and yours this holiday season!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO BE HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO BE HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 5

Spend Less, Create More!

To sum it all up, save yourself the headache, and reduce your stress and anxiety levels by spending less money this season. Instead, opt for creative ways to express your love to friends and family! Use your hands and make, use your heart and create! The joy of the season is truly about shared memories and experiencing each other's presence!

Stay tuned for the next installation of my 7 Holiday Hang-ups + 7 Simple Solutions. In No. 6, I'll discuss: Busyness // Overworking + Overcommitting // Burnout

Designed For Your Lifestyle,


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design |

How To Be Happy For The Holidays Series: Day 4

Design + Decor, Lifestyle, RelationshipsErin StanczykComment
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 4

Happy For The Holidays

This year, it's looking like the hubs and I will be hosting Christmas with his side of the family at our house! We're super excited, since we just finished our main-level remodel not too long ago, and it's much more suitable for entertaining now! Below is a snapshot from last year's holiday photo shoot at our house, with Dusty's mom, Lisa, and brother, Devon. Devon is an incredible photographer, and for a few of the shots he set up his tripod and jumped in with the rest of us to snag some fun family photos! I thought adding in some of these photos would be fitting, since Day 4 of my 7 Holiday Hang-ups + 7 Simple Solutions is all about Family (Dys)functions // The In-Laws // Tension + Drama. Even though I don't have any drama with hubs' side of the family, in fact, I love them, I still know how nerve-racking family holiday events can be for many—especially with the in-laws!

* If you haven't already, check out Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 of the series!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 4
Holiday Hang-up 4

With every passing year, you get a little bit older and a little bit wiser, and somehow, your family gets a little bit more dysfunctional and a little bit less tolerable. Family gatherings are the ‘social events’ that you just can’t get out of. Every time you go home, your mom is still nagging you about the same old thing, your aunts and uncles want to know what you’re going to do with your life, there’s that one cousin that you have a beef with and you can totally feel the tension in the room, and don’t even get me started on the in-laws! 

*Disclaimer: Mom, Dad, extended family…the above is clearly a hypothetical scenario, and I love you all dearly! ;)

Simple Solution 4


Coming from a huge family on my dad's side (I'm talking 10 sets of aunts and uncles and 40+ cousins), I can safely say I've been through just about every type of family gathering—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Let's just say bringing my man to the first few holiday events to be interrogated by several family members could have easily been a deal-breaker.

My number one solution is to be a team! Talk things out with your significant other or immediate family members ahead of time. Discuss what it is that bothers you or who it is that gets under your skin, and make a vow to have each others’ backs. That might mean sticking up for your spouse or sibling, or it might mean pulling them aside and calming them down, and reminding them it’s just one day to get through! 

Team Stanczyk!

Team Stanczyk!

Bite The Bullet

I may be be one of the lucky few, but I happen to adore my in-laws. However, I know plenty of people who don’t! If you can’t stand your in-laws or the thought of spending an afternoon (or worse, an entire weekend) with them, my advice is simple, bite the bullet and show up with a smile on your face! That also includes not complaining to your spouse ahead of time! Be respectful, and remember, you are doing this for them! Trying to find common-ground with everyone you talk to and asking others about themselves can help take any awkward attention off of you and help you to feel more comfortable.

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 4


If you’re someone who has an overbearing family that is asking for way too much of your time, don't be afraid to set boundaries. This is another instance where it can be beneficial to talk ahead of time with your significant other about how you are going to spend equal amounts of time with both sides of the family, and also allocate a chunk of time for yourselves. The hubs and I don’t have kids yet, but we still consider ourselves a family (with a huge dog and two cats that we pretty much treat like our children)! We always make sure to communicate to both of our families that “tonight we are having movie night at home,” or “sure, we’ll swing by for a bit, but we’ve already got dinner plans!” It’s not selfish to set boundaries, in fact, it can a lot of times strengthen your relationships by limiting the amount of tension and resentments. Along with setting boundaries comes compromising on the traditions you're used to and the ones your significant other is used to. Dusty and I have started to develop some of our own traditions and rituals, and I encourage you to do the same!


Martin Family (my side) Christmas Cruise circa 2011

Martin Family (my side) Christmas Cruise circa 2011


If there's someone you have a beef with, or something bad that happened that nobody wants to talk about, the tension can be thick in the room. Avoiding touchy subjects and hard feelings is a must—save confrontations and difficult discussions for one-on-one time with whoever it is you need to talk to. If possible, you may even want to let them know ahead of time if there are topics that are off-limits. The best way to avoid any potential blow-ups is to divert. Try to keep conversations light, positive, and uplifting—bring up a funny inside joke, reminisce about a memorable family vacation, mention any successes at work, and ask others about things that you know will make them feel good to talk about! When all else fails, watch 'Christmas Vacation' together—laughter is truly the best medicine!

Some of my 40+ cousins on the Martin side. Me, bottom left.

Some of my 40+ cousins on the Martin side. Me, bottom left.


All You Need Is Love

Remember all of the recitals, programs, and sporting events that your parents came to when you were younger? Now it's your turn to show up, be supportive, and lend a helping hand where needed! Be conscious and try to embody all of the qualities that make the holiday season merry and bright—Peace, Joy, Hope, and the greatest, Love!

Holiday Hang-ups Around Our Home

*Each day I'll also be sharing some "holiday hang-ups" around our home—because if there's one thing we love to do, it's decorate for Christmas.

Here's one more picture frame I decided to fill with some fun hand-lettering, using a sheet of watercolor paper and a chunky silver marker from Michaels. And, of course, I had to include a 'Merry + Bright' Rainbow salad in the shot, as well!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 4


We all have pre-conceived notions about who all of our family members are and what we expect our (dys)functional gatherings to be like, but this year, try going in with a clean slate. Drop the judgements, the negative thoughts, and try to have zero expectations. Be a positive beacon of light and expect the best out of everyone, and you might be surprised with how things turn out! 

Stay tuned for the next installation of my 7 Holiday Hang-ups + 7 Simple Solutions. In No. 5, I'll discuss: Spending Money // Credit Card Probs // Shopping ‘Til You Drop.

Designed For Your Lifestyle,


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design |