Erin Stanczyk |

'In The Raw' Newsletter No.1 // This Year, One Word Is All You Need

In the Raw, Lifestyle, Mind + SoulErin StanczykComment
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | In The Raw

In The Raw Newsletter


So here it is, my very first Lifestyle Design newsletter, hot off the press! Just like the foods we ought to eat, the way we live our lives should be raw, whole, pure, authentic, and transparent! This aptly named monthly email series will be chock full of insight and inspiration that will equip you with the tools to live a life more true to who are, so that you can harness your power and step into your purpose as a unique individual! So let's strip it down to the core and get In the Raw!


New Year, One Word


New Year's resolutions are a great way to kickstart January and work towards becoming the best versions of ourselves. All too often, though, they are lofty and unrealistic, and sooner or later we become burned out and discouraged. 

Over the past couple of years, I've been focusing on just One Word✨instead of resolving to do something that winds up stressing me out. Two years ago I began with Attitude. My intention was to become more aware of how I was acting towards others and listen more closely to the story I was telling myself. I began by doing my best to wake up with a smile on my face each and every day. Being more conscious of staying positive in frustrating situations or when I just felt like a grump for no good reason proved to be quite difficult at first. However, as the months carried on, I found myself feeling less anxious and less bothered by things. I received overwhelming positive feedback from the hubs and my mom—my two biggest supporters and critics, so I knew I was onto something with this one word idea!

In 2015, my word was Trust, because I wanted to focus on trusting God, others, and myself more. Without trust, I would not have been able to launch my Lifestyle Design coaching business and website or become a certified spinning instructor. Whenever I would begin to doubt or feel fear creeping in, I'd remind myself of my word. I learned to follow my instinct and act rather than shy away, and grew leaps and bounds because of it! Everything that I accomplished in the past year was not something that I resolved to do, but was a product of being mindful, having a purpose, and being unapologetically me—trust! 

This year, after quite a bit of debate over a handful of words, I finally decided onProsper. I punched it in on to get a better feel for the word and it just fit! I plan to really work on blooming and growing both in business and as an individual. I want to be prosperous in love and all things good and pure! 

I encourage you to come up with one word for this year—a word that ignites the fire within and gets you excited and energized to grow, take risks, and conquer fears! A specific New Year's resolution causes you to create high expectations that may lead to a let down. Think of your one word as an intention—something to be aware of and present for, each and every moment!  Without forcing a specific New Year's resolution, you might actually surprise yourself. You may accomplish more than you even expected, because the options are endless! Remember this:

Inhale Intention + Exhale Expectation

Exclusive Bonus Materials Are Coming!

I hope my very first newsletter got the wheels turning! If you're not already subscribed, use the sign-up form on the right side of my blog, or the Subscribe button at the footer of my website! This will bring my monthly In The Raw newsletters straight to your inbox, along with occasional updates, like my latest blog posts and exclusive bonus materials that you won't find anywhere else! 

I hope your New Year is off to a fantastic start! Don't be afraid to Think Big and Act Accordingly!


Designed For Your Lifestyle,


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design |