Erin Stanczyk |


Antioxidant Açaí Bowl: A Superfood Breakfast of Champions

Eat, Food + Nutrition, RecipesErin Stanczyk2 Comments

Açaí You, Baby!

Every time the hubby and I go on vacation somewhere, the first thing we do is seek out the nearest juice and smoothie bar. As much as I hate to leave my Vitamix behind, waking up every morning to a fresh, cold-pressed green juice and an Açaí Bowl more than satisfies--plus, it's nice to get a break from having to do it myself!

These super-tasty superfood bowls have taken smoothie shops and juiceries by storm, and for good reason--açaí (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is chock full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. All that being said, you can bring vacation right to your kitchen with just a few simple ingredients!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL

The Basics

  • source + location

    • pronounced ah-sigh-ee, this superfruit comes from the dark purple berries of a tropical palm tree

    • indigenous to Central and South America; commonly harvested from the Amazonian rainforests of Brazil

  • contents + benefits

    • one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet; contains antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, protein, fiber, and several micronutrients including resveratrol, calcium, magnesium, and iron

    • antioxidants improve overall health and attack disease-causing free radicals in the body, great for energy and focus, low-glycemic, low sugar and can help fight off weight gain and combat cravings, protein and fiber help to keep fuller longer

  • amount + uses

    • 1 tbsp powder or 1-2 frozen packs

    • mixed in with smoothies or "nice cream," this makes an antioxidant-packed tropical treat; beverages, and desserts

  • taste + fun facts

    • creamy and tart berry flavor with chocolate undertones

    • harvest and sales of the crop generates income for native communities and is a great alternative to deforestation and habitat destruction

For more info on Superfoods, check out:

 My Top 10 Superfoods

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL

ORAC Value

Free radicals are caused by our exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants, like cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption, excessive sun exposure, smog, chemicals in household cleaners and personal care products--even stress can cause inflammation and oxidation to occur in the body. When we consume a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables, we are getting a healthy dose of antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals. This process helps to fight off illness and disease, and combats premature aging. The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of a substance measures its antioxidant level, and subsequent free radical-fighting ability.

Açaí most definitely earns its place as a superfood, due to its super high ORAC score:

  • Banana: 795

  • Spinach: 1,687

  • Red Delicious Apple: 4,275

  • Wild Blueberries: 9,621

  • Açaí Berry: 102,700

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL

Amp Up

Amp up your antioxidants with an Açaí Bowl and reap all of the health benefits that come along with it! No need break the bank at the local juicery to indulge in this sweet treat when you can make it right at home!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL

Pineapple Banner

Antioxidant Açaí Bowl

Açaí bowls are all the rage! Most juice bars and smoothie shops come fully equipped with an assortment of variations of these delectable superfood smoothie bowls. It's easier than ever to treat yourself anytime at home, with a few simple ingredients! Açaí is extremely high in anti-aging phytonutrients and disease-fighting antioxidants and will give you that extra oomph to get you through your day without the need for refined sugar and stimulants! Pure, simple, whole, and delicious!

raw vegan, gluten-free, refined-sugar-free, antioxidant-packed!

serves: 2 // time: 10 min

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL


  • 2 cups frozen, ripe, freckled bananas

  • 1 cup frozen strawberries

  • 1 cup frozen blueberries

  • 1 cup frozen raspberries

  • 2 frozen, unsweetened açaí packs

  • 1 cup coconut water, almond milk, or water

  • 1 scoop raw vegan, vanilla SunWarrior protein powder (optional)

    • use discount code EatMoveRest for 20% off your purchase

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL


  1. Place all frozen ingredients into high-speed blender and top with liquid of choice.

  2. Blend until smooth and creamy.

  3. Pour into 2 bowls and top with fruit and other whole-food ingredients--some of my favorites are bananas, mangos, kiwis, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, dried mulberries, and coconut flakes! Enjoy!



  • for an extra indulgent boost, try topping with other flavorful and nutritious ingredients like almond butter, cacao nibs, cinnamon, granola, hemp, chia, and ground flax

  • If using fresh young coconut water, check out the CocoJack to easily crack open your coconut! Use discount code EATMOVEREST for 10% off your purchase!


  • macronutrients: 337 calories per serving // 68.9g carbs // 5.4g protein // 7g fat

  • micronutrients: 41% vitamin A // 123% vitamin C // 75% fiber // 19% folate // 15% iron // 12% calcium


Pineapple Banner

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | SUPERFOOD ANTIOXIDANT AÇAÍ BOWL

As Seen On YouTube

Join me in the kitchen to watch me whip up an Antioxidant Açaí BowlBe sure to Subscribe to the EatMoveRest channel, hit the bell symbol to turn on Notifications to stay up-to-date on new videos, Like the video by giving it a thumbs up, show some love and leave us a Comment, and Share with family and friends!

Superfood, Super You!

Satisfy your sweet tooth while doing your body good with an antioxidant-rich Açaí Bowl--perfect for breakfast or lunch, pre- or post-workout!

Show some love! Be sure to take a snapshot of your smoothie bowl creation and tag me on Instagram by using the hashtag #EatMoveRest!

Designed For Your Lifestyle,


Erin Stanczyk

Take Your Health To The Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods

Eat, Food + NutritionErin StanczykComment

* If you haven't already, check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 of my 5 Part Series on Smoothies + Juices!


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods

You're at the grocery store, you've got your list and you're sticking to it—until a bright, bold, package you've never seen before catches your eye. It's new, it's exciting, you can't pronounce the name, and it's gluten-free! As you approach with caution, the word superfood grabs your attention, and in the cart it goes! 

As of late, superfood has become just another overused marketing term to lure consumers—and it works! But what is a superfood, really? While there is no legal or medical definition, a superfood is a nutrient-rich (typically plant-based) food that promotes good health, and contains much higher amounts of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals relative to other foods.

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods

the AÇAÍ Berry On Top

If you break food down into categories, you've got your macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), and phytonutrients (phyto—referring to plant nutrients). Macronutrients are what we need to survive, while micronutrients and phytonutrients are what help us to thrive!

All foods contain macronutrients that fill us up; only some contain high amounts of micronutrients and phytonutrients. Superfoods contain a megadose! What I've done for you is taken my top 10 plant-based superfoods and compiled them into a list packed with facts and fun ways to incorporate them into your diet! 

Superfoods don't necessarily improve a bad diet. I like to think of superfoods as the cherry on top of an already healthy diet—the good stuff that'll sky-rocket your health to the next level! 

- Erin's Top 10 SuperfoODS -

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods

Flax • Hemp • Chia • Goji • Spirulina • Maca •   MORINGA • Cacao • AÇAÍ • Wheatgrass

Flax Seed

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • flax seed comes from a flowering plant that is harvested for food, fiber, and textiles
    • cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC; comes in whole seed form or ground up—I recommend whole, un-roasted
  • contents + benefits
    • omega fatty acids, protein, lignans, and fiber
    • great for cardiovascular health and immune system, brain function, joint health, soft skin; fiber helps to eliminate toxins
  • amount + uses
    • 1 tbsp
    • add whole flax seeds to your smoothies or ground flax to oatmeal, and baked goods
  • taste + fun facts
    • nutty flavor
    • best absorbed when ground up, otherwise you will only get the fiber benefits and not the omega fatty acid benefits—I like to buy whole flax seeds and grind them myself for freshness
    • when cutting out animal products, substitute ground flax mixed with water for eggs when baking—it will give you the exact same consistency!
    • can also be found in oil form, and is sometimes referred to as linseed oil

Hemp Seed

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • comes from a variety of the Cannabis plant
    • has been used around the world for over 12,000 years
  • contents + benefits
    • protein—contains all essential amino acids, omega fatty acids, antioxidants, and minerals
    • great for athletes and aids in muscle repair; good for hair, skin, and nails
  • amount + uses
    • 1-4 tbsp
    • hemp seed is best known for its high protein content that is readily available to the body, making it a great addition to smoothies or in the protein powder form; also tasty in baked goods, on top of salads, or just eaten by itself
  • taste + fun facts
    • soft texture with a mild, nutty flavor
    • hemp seed (or hemp hearts) used for culinary purposes are from a different variety of plant than marijuana, and contain extremely low levels of THC that are virtually undetectable, Phew!

Chia Seed

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • comes from the flower of an herb in the mint family
    • historically a staple crop in Central America to the Aztecs, Incans, and Mayans
  • contents + benefits
    • protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, phytonutrients, and antioxidants
    • known as the "ultimate runner's food," great for heart health, improves endurance, increases oxygen uptake, impedes dehydration, a "slow carb" that is hydrating and filling due to the fact that the seeds absorb water; highly digestible plant protein
  • amount + uses
    • 1-3 tbsp
    • blend into smoothies, make puddings, use as a flour in baked goods or thicken soups
  • taste + fun facts
    • mildly sweet and nutty; seeds expand, soften, and thicken in liquid
    • like flax, chia can also be used as an egg replacement
    • chia is the Mayan word for strength
    • yes, you can use the seeds and sprout your own ch-ch-ch-chia pet!

Goji Berries

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • also known as the wolfberry, goji berries come from a thorny bush on which purple flowers turn into little orange-red berries
    • date back 2,000 years in Chinese Medicine; revered as the fountain of youth, vitality, and longevity
  • contents + benefits
    • antioxidants, protein—all essential amino acids, and 20+ vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, and iron
    • eyesight, immune system, balance hormones, and longevity
  • amount + uses
    • 1 oz
    • goji berries are great in a trail mix, baked goods, smoothies, or just by themselves
  • taste + fun facts
    • tart and sweet
    • by weight, these berries have more vitamin C than oranges, more beta-carotene than carrots, and more iron than spinach and soybeans
    • a food's ORAC value (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) indicates how well it can fight off disease-causing free radicals in the body—goji has a value of 25,000; to put that into perspective, kale has an ORAC value of 1,700


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • not all superfoods come from an exotic, tropical plant—spirulina is a blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) that is super-concentrated with nutrients
    • mostly found in tropical waters containing high salt content
  • contents + benefits
    • antioxidants, protein—65%, iron, B-vitamins, essential fatty acids
    • great vegetarian source of protein and iron, enhanced endurance, speedy recovery post workout,  boosts the immune system, increases energy
  • amount + uses
    • 1 tsp
    • the best way to use spirulina is blended in a smoothie or juice—it will add a beautiful, deep blue-green color to your green smoothie!
  • taste + fun facts
    • not pleasant by itself, but is virtually undetectable in a smoothie
    • contains the highest percentage of complete protein by weight of any food on earth
    • ORAC score of 24,000, spirulina is right up there with goji—it's got 4x the amount of antioxidants as blueberries


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • comes from the root of an herbaceous plant 
    • this Peruvian and Bolivian superfood is native to the Andean Mountains, and is one of the only plant foods that is able to thrive at such high altitudes; used by natives as far back as 1600 BC
  • contents + benefits
    • amino acids, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients
    • another great supplement for athletes, maca is an adaptogen, meaning that it is great at repairing and lessening the impact of stressors on the body and muscle repair; good for strength, endurance, and gives you energy without the jitters or a crash like caffeine; balances the endocrine system; balances hormones, supports reproductive function and fertility; used for combating anemia and chronic fatigue while promoting proper adrenal function
  • amount + uses
    • 1 tsp
    • add maca to your smoothie for an extra energy boost and a great flavor or mix it into your tea; use in energy bars, desserts, and baked goods
  • taste + fun facts
    • sweet and nutty with hints of butterscotch
    • look for gelatinized maca powder, meaning that it is more concentrated and the starch has been extracted allowing for easier digestion!
    • this root is supposed to boost your libido—take it for what it's worth!


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • comes from the leaf of the moringa tree, also known as horseradish tree, ben tree, or drumstick tree
    • native to India, Pakistan, and Nepal
  • contents + benefits
    • contains significant amounts of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as calcium, potassium, and protein
    • has been used in Eastern countries for centuries to treat and prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, anemia, arthritis, liver disease, respiratory and digestive disorders, and skin problems
  • amount + uses
    • 1 tsp powder
    • add to smoothies or brew into a hot tea; this is one of my must-have ingredients in my daily green smoothie recipe
  • taste + fun facts
    • mild, slightly earthy flavor
    • the Sanskrit word for moringa is 'saubhajnana,' which means 'knowledge of the heavens'
    • contains more nutrition in the leaf than any other plant yet known


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • comes straight from the tropical cacao fruit; raw cacao is obtained through cold-pressing unroasted cocao beans, which keeps the living enzymes intact and removes the oil (cacao butter)
    • a traditionally Mayan superfood known to the Mesoamericans as the "Food of the Gods"
  • contents + benefits
    • one of the most antioxidant-rich foods on the plant, as well as iron and magnesium (of which many Americans are deficient), polyphenols—yes just like red wine, omega fatty acids, and fiber
    • considered a natural aphrodisiac with mood-boosting qualities; unlike chocolate, it is naturally free of sugar and dairy, and can help fight cravings; can lower blood pressure, protect against disease, and promote cardiovascular health
  • amount + uses
    • 1-4 tbsp
    • incorporate into daily smoothies; use as a chocolate chip replacement in treats like cookies, nice cream, trail mix, and energy bars; can also be eaten by themselves straight out of the bag 
  • taste + fun facts
    • nibs are crunchy and somewhat bitter; taste like rich, pure dark chocolate
    • cacao differs from cocoa, which has been roasted at high temperatures, and has usually been processed and manipulated to alter the pH, flavor, color, and nutritional value—all of this destroying many vital enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients
    • there is a very minimal amount of caffeine in cacao beans
    • ORAC score of 28,000—the numbers just keep going up!


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • pronounced (ah-sigh-ee), this superfruit comes from the dark purple berries of a tropical palm tree
    • indigenous to Central and South America; commonly harvested from the Amazonian rainforests of Brazil
  • contents + benefits
    • one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet; contains antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, protein, fiber, and several micronutrients including resveratrol, calcium, magnesium, and iron
    • antioxidants improve overall health and attack disease-causing free radicals in the body, great for energy and focus, low-glycemic, low sugar and can help fight off weight gain and combat cravings, protein and fiber help to keep fuller longer
  • amount + uses
    • 1 tbsp powder or 1-2 frozen packs
    • mixed in with smoothies or "nice cream," this makes an antioxidant-packed tropical treat; beverages, and desserts
  • taste + fun facts
    • creamy and tart berry flavor with chocolate undertones
    • harvest and sales of the crop generates income for native communities and is a great alternative to deforestation and habitat destruction


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods
  • source + location
    • grow fresh-cut yourself; also comes in powder and frozen form; powder is great to keep on hand at home
    • use in Mesoamerica and Egypt over 6,000 years ago
  • contents + benefits
    • abundant source of plant protein— 85% by weight, amino acids, live enzymes, amino acids, and chlorophyll; low calorie but contains more than 70 vitamins and minerals 
    • cleanses and energizes; highly alkaline pH, great for detoxifying the organs
  • amount + uses
    • 1/4 tsp powder
    • add to smoothies, juices, dressings, and even energy bars; take a shot by simply measuring out wheatgrass with 1-2oz of water, mix, and gulp!
  • taste + fun facts
    • slightly sweet, but overall a similar taste to fresh cut grass—oh wait, that's what it is!
    • don't worry—it's gluten-free; wheatgrass is harvested at the sprouting stage, when it is at its most nutritionally abundant, and also too young to develop the gluten protein.

* Disclaimer: The above health claims have been reviewed by the FDA, and none of these foods are intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease.

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods

Protein Bonus!

Without going off on too much of a biology tangent…of the above listed superfoods, goji, hemp, chiacacao, spirulina, and wheatgrass are all examples of complete proteins that are from non-animal sources! A complete protein contains all essential amino acids that the body needs, and in the right proportions. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and protein comprises the majority of muscle, along with water. There are 9 essential amino acids, which are essential because the body cannot synthesize, or make them, so they must be obtained through diet.

Are you sold on plant-powered superfoods yet?!

Here are all of the ingredients that I put into my go-to 'Morning Buzz' smoothie! You can find the recipe in Part 3 of this series!

To Much of a Good Thing

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Take Your Health to the Next Level With Smoothies + Juices Part 5: Supercharge Your Health With Superfoods

Work your way up when trying new superfoods. Be careful not to exceed the recommended amounts or use superfood supplements in excess—there is such a thing as too much of a good thing!


  • Look for reputable companies and brands that provide organic, raw, sustainably grown and harvested products. I love Navitas Naturals—most local health markets and some grocery stores will carry this brand!
  • Buy your superfoods as close to their natural state as possible: whole flax seeds vs. flaxseed oil - you can get a whole bag that will last longer for less money and it will be more nutrient-dense! Many superfoods are only available in powder form, but are freeze-dried, which helps maintain the most nutrients possible.
  • If you're looking for an incredible, nutrient-packed protein shake and/or meal replacement, look no further than Shakeology! There are several incredible flavors, and some are 100% vegan! The best thing about Shakeology is that it's more than just a protein shake—it is packed full of superfoods that aid the body in muscle repair, increased energy, better digestion, and detoxification. I've been drinking Shakeology for 5 years now, and I love the energy it gives me before and/or after my workout, and I've traveled with it all over the world to keep me nourished on-the-go! Check out the man behind Shakeology's superior formulation, Darin Olien. Darin has been around the globe to some of the most remote and exotic locations, in search of nature's most powerful superfoods to bring into Shakeology! If you want to learn more, have a listen to his recent interview on the Rich Roll Podcast!
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design |


Eliminate animal products and processed foods and minimize inflammatory foods

Always eat whole fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds

Try blended fruit-and-vegetable smoothies for nutrient-packed on-the-go meals

Upgrade to more potent and even more nutrient-dense fruit and vegetable juices

Power up your diet with superfoods

Remember: You can't eat a bad diet and expect superfoods to reverse the impact—eat clean and treat superfoods as the icing on the cake, the cherry on top, that extra boost, the peak of the mountain!

My hope is that through this 5 Part Series on Smoothies + Juices I have inspired you to tap into the power of blending and juicing, and experiment with the abundance of nutrient-packed superfoods! I want to hear from you—leave a comment or shoot me a message through my website!

Instagram Answers:

There are 6 of my Top 10 Superfoods in my smoothie bowl photo on Instagram, (goji, cacao, bee pollen, hemp, chia, açaí—which was blended into the smoothie to give it its color!

My favorite superfood is açaí, because I just can't get enough of açaí smoothie bowls, and it gives me so much energy! What's your favorite?!

Designed For Your Lifestyle,


Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design |