Erin Stanczyk |


Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: 6-Ingredient Caramel Delites (Samoas)

Eat, RecipesErin Stanczyk6 Comments | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk

Culinary Therapy

I’ve been really loving my culinary therapy as of late! Anybody else here guilty of baking and making just to avoid getting work done? It’s one of the most delicious forms of procrastination, in my humble opinion! BUT, did you know it’s been scientifically proven that baking actually helps to relieve stress?! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Culinary therapy is a real thing, and mental health is beyond important!

Three reasons why I believe baking & making is good for you:

  1. It requires mindfulness. I feel like most days I’m scatterbrained and my monkey mind is anything but organized. Following a recipe, measuring ingredients, taste-testing, the whole process pulls me back to present and helps me to focus on just the task at hand.

  2. It’s healthier! Preparing and enjoying your own food is a foolproof way to eat less processed foods and more whole foods. I always feel better when I make my own food and have control over exactly what goes into each meal—and we all know that healthier equals happier!

  3. It helps us to practice altruism and connection. Preparing a treat or a meal for somebody else always makes you feel good. I love being able to witness others enjoying something I’ve created with love in my heart. Eating also brings us closer to one another and allows us to slow down and share in conversation and connection! | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk

“Sharing in meal preparation, and eating together are very basic human experiences. They allow us to spend time together in ways that can be relaxing and fulfilling. Eating is a biological necessity, as well as a center of pleasure. When we share that with others, we can access our best selves.”

— Miriam Weinstein, Author of The Surprising Power of Family Meals

Culinary Therapy Articles To Explore: | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk

Healthy Hack

Especially as a new mom, short and sweet is the way most recipes have to be these days and this recipe is the ultimate healthy treat hack! Girl Scout Caramel Delites were my favorite growing up, and I had been wanting something tasty to take with me on-the-go, whether we’re out to dinner and want a healthy dessert, or wanting something sweet to snack on while running errands with the babe, these cookies fit the bill, 110%!

Traditional Caramel Delites contain many allergens and animal products, including wheat (gluten), dairy, and soy, as well as excess fat and a handful of other unnecessary ingredients.

(see nutritional label)

As I like to say, If you can’t read it, don’t eat it!

For more kitchen hacks, check out this Redfin article I was featured in, to learn some of the experts’ best kept secrets! | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk

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Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites

These cookies are so effortless, I have a hard time not making them! If you’re looking for something sweetly simple to satisfy your sweet tooth, look no further! Homemade caramel delites are fun to make with the kiddos and they’re baby-friendly, too! Max loves when I break off little bits for him to nibble on, and we love to enjoy them as a healthy snack on-the-go or for dessert after dinner.

Gluten-free, dairy-free, oil-free, refined-sugar-free, soy-free, low-fat, baby & kid-friendly, simply delightful!

time: 20min // servings: 12-16


  • 1 cup rolled oats

  • 1 cup pitted medjool dates (10-12)

  • 3 tbsp almond butter

  • 3 tbsp shredded coconut

  • 1.5 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla bean powder

  • dash of salt

  • 1/2c melted cacao paste or dark chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF.

  2. Soak pitted dates in warm water for 5-10min.

  3. Place all ingredients in large mixing bowl and mash with hands until gooey and well combined.

  4. Form 12 round balls, flatten and place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

  5. Bake in oven for 10-12min.

  6. Remove and let sit for 5 min.

  7. Heat chocolate in small pan on stovetop on medium-low, stirring often, until completely melted.

  8. Use a spoon and drizzle cookies w/ melted chocolate and place in freezer for 10 min to solidify.

  9. Remove from freezer and allow to thaw for a couple of minutes. Enjoy!


  • feel free to omit coconut and use hemp seeds in place

  • try peanut butter or tahini instead of almond butter!

  • break cookies into small bites and top your nice cream

As Seen On YouTube

Join us in the kitchen as we whip up these delightful treats on the EatMoveRest YouTube channel! Be sure to Subscribe, click that bell to turn on Notifications, give it a Thumbs Up, leave us some love in the Comments, and Share with family and friends! | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk | Vegan Girl Scout Cookies: Caramel Delites (Samoas) | by Erin Stanczyk

The Best Therapist

Dusty and I are huge supporters of mental health awareness, and we believe that there should be no shame in seeking help. We have both admittedly gone through our fair share of stress, anxiety, and feelings of depression, and have met with several professionals, from therapists to doctors to coaches, to keep our mental health in check.

We’ve realized that the best therapist isn’t the one who solves all of your problems, but the one who helps you to see your blind spots and allows you to come to the solution on your own! Maybe that’s a professional…or maybe it’s a trusted friend or loved one. Maybe your therapist comes in an unconventional form, such as a yoga practice or baking session in your kitchen—no matter what form of release, self-actualization and exploration you choose, do what you need to do to stay sane! To bring your best, you’ve got to be your best! Culinary Therapy for the win!

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Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Eat, Food + Nutrition, RecipesErin Stanczyk4 Comments
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Love Yourself To Life!

Yesterday morning I lead yet another early bird spin class full of hard-working, sweat-dripping FlyRiders at Fly and we were definitely feeling the love! As Valentine’s Day approaches, it can be a time of overwhelming emotion for many of us--some positive, and some negative. My playlist and message in class was that whether you have someone to share this holiday with or not, there should be no shortage of self-love! 

Ultimately, you can't expect to be loved by anyone else until you learn to truly love yourself. Part of loving yourself is pushing yourself to try new things, face your fears, embrace your flaws, and accept your weaknesses. We are all perfectly imperfect!
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse

The other part of loving yourself is treating yourself, and what better way to do that than with a guilt-free, yet incredibly delicious dessert?! It wouldn't be Valentine's Day without a little (or a lot) of chocolate! However, my Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse recipe is anything but unhealthy--in fact, it's raw, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, and packed full of antioxidants and healthy fats!

Feel free to jam out to one of my favorite songs from yesterday's ride while you peruse, and click here to visit my Spotify channel, where you can check out more of my favorite songs & playlists to work out and rock out to!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse

The breakdown

Avocados actually contain more potassium than bananas and are one of the few fruits that have a high fat content, but, it's the good kind! Healthy fats are actually good for our heart and cholesterol levels, so don't fear the fat! Avocado also does wonders for hair, skin, nails--you name it--this super smooth superfood is one you don't want to go without. Check out my simple Holy Guacamole recipe here!

Bananas are full of potassium, as we well know, but did you know that when a banana is leopard-spotted it is actually ripe and ready to eat? I used to eat my bananas even when they had a some green on them, until I learned that a fully ripe banana is so much sweeter and better for you, because all of the starches have converted into sugars that your body can then use for instant fuel and energy. It also makes for a super-sweet addition to a refined-sugar-free dessert! For more on the benefits of fully ripe bananas and the lowdown on Fruit vs. Refined Sugar, visit my blog post to read up on why fruit won't make you fat!

Cacao is virtually the same as cocoa, except that it is raw, whereas, cocoa has been roasted at high temperatures. Raw foods retain all of their living and active enzymes that aid in healthy digestion and antioxidants that fight off disease-causing free-radicals in the body. Raw! Raw! Raw! For more on the benefits of cacao, check out my top 10 superfoods blog post!

Dates are the sweetest of all the fruits, and are full of natural, unrefined sugars. I love to use dates as a replacement for other less healthy sweeteners like regular table sugar and syrup. They also make a great on-the-go snack, packing a good amount of calories into a small tasty package that you can bring anywhere with you! For another delicious date recipe, check out my Rad Raw Blackberry Cheesecake recipe here!

Sea Salt is simply evaporated salt water, and is an upgrade from regular table salt because it contains trace minerals that the body needs in order to thrive. Adding just a dash to a sweet dessert can help to really round out the flavor.

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse

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Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse

raw, vegan, gluten-free, refined-sugar-free, oil-free

It wouldn't be Valentine's Day without a little (or a lot) of chocolate, however, my Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse recipe is anything but unhealthy--in fact, it's packed full of antioxidants and healthy fats, and best of all, it is oh-so fluffy, smooth and sweet! Share it with a loved one or better yet, treat yourself without the guilt! This recipe also makes the perfect fruit dip or goes great spread on toast!


  • very ripe, speckled banana
  • very ripe, soft avocado
  • 2 tablespoons cacao or cocoa powder
  • 5-8 pitted & soaked dates (or other sweetener)
  • dash of sea salt


  1. Pit dates and soak in warm water.
  2. Place peeled ripe banana in food processor or high speed blender along with avocado and blend for a minute or so, scraping the sides in between if need be.
  3. Add in cacao or cocoa powder, sea salt, and pitted dates and make sure slightly mixed in before turning food processor or blender on again.
  4. Blend for 2 minutes or so, scraping down the sides as you go. Give it a taste test and add more sweetener accordingly.
  5. Dish up, top with fruit and a sprig of mint and enjoy!


  • top with cinnamon, coconut flakes, a sprig of mint, and/or fresh berries
  • use as a fruit dip
  • use agave nectar, coconut nectar, maple syrup, or stevia for sweetener in place of dates
  • spread on toast or use as a fruit dip
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Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Valentine's Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse


Treat Yourself

This Valentine's Day, treat yourself and shower yourself with unconditional love! Release what isn't serving you and embrace what is! 

Leave a comment or drop me a message on my contact page and let me know what you want to see more of, and don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter to stay up-to-date on current blog posts, my monthly In The Raw newsletter, and exclusive bonus materials!

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Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design |