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Three Bears Porridge: The Perfect Late-Night Snack To Help You Sleep Better

Eat, Food + Nutrition, Mind + Soul, Recipes, RestErin StanczykComment

The Porridge That's 'Just Right'

The way we eat and move are often emphasized, while rest fall's by the wayside. However, nothing is better for our physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being than a good night's sleep. If you haven't already, check out my previous blog post for 9 Surefire Ways To Get A Better Night's Sleep. Number 9 was eating the right food and drink, and I've got the perfect 'sleeptyime' porridge recipe that's 'just right' for you!

It's always good to leave a 3-4 hour window between dinner and bedtime, but if you're tossing and turning in the middle of the night, a healthy snack with the right ingredients can help to calm and relax. 

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Three Bears Porridge: The Perfect Late-Night Snack To Help You Sleep Better
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Three Bears Porridge: The Perfect Late-Night Snack To Help You Sleep Better

Tea Time

I like to warm up a cup of ginger tea to aid in digestion and soothe my stomach or chamomile tea, which has been said to promote a calm mind and a good night's sleep. Sip on a cup while you whip up a snack for added relaxation!

The Winning Combo

Cherries are a great night time snack because they help the body produce melatonin, which induces sleep. Almonds are another good option because they contain tryptophan, which we all know is supposed to make us sleepy. But there's more to the story than that. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps to release serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter, and is most effective when combined with carbohydrates. Almonds contain magnesium, as well, which helps to calm the body by regulating muscle and nerve function. Bananas are also a great source of magnesium, and of course, potassium--another muscle relaxant. A small helping of porridge is the perfect base for all of the fix-ins listed above. While oatmeal is a great complex carbohydrate option, "creamy brown rice" is even better! Not only is rice notoriously easy to digest, it's also gluten-free!

I like to combine all of these essential sleep-inducing foods into a small bowl of porridge with a splash of almond milk and a dash of cinnamon, which also has relaxing properties!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Three Bears Porridge: The Perfect Late-Night Snack To Help You Sleep Better
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Three Bears Porridge: The Perfect Late-Night Snack To Help You Sleep Better

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Three Bears Porridge Recipe

vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free

Sometimes the best thing you can do when you're tossing and turning and can't fall asleep is to get up, go do something, and come back later. Chances are, your stomach is growling, and I've got the perfect late-night snack for you! This creamy, brown rice porridge is a fantastic gluten-free alternative to oatmeal, and contains all of the right ingredients to send you off to bed and counting sheep only for a moment before you slip deep into sleep!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Three Bears Porridge: The Perfect Late-Night Snack To Help You Sleep Better

ingredients:   serves 2

  • 3 cups water
  • 1 cup Bob's Red Mill Creamy Rice
  • dash of salt
  • 1 ripe, speckled banana sliced
  • 1/3 cup cherries, fresh/frozen thawed
  • 1/8 cup almonds
  • splash of almond milk
  • dash of cinnamon



  1. Bring water to a boil in a non-stick pan. Add creamy rice and salt, reduce heat to medium-low, and stir.
  2. Continue stirring until water is absorbed and mixture begins to thicken. Add chopped banana.
  3. Reduce heat to low and stir for a bit longer. Serve in two bowls with cherries, almonds, almond milk and cinnamon. Relax and enjoy!


  • cup o' chamomile or ginger tea
  • berries
  • honey
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A Cut Above The Rest

Like the beautiful walnut cutting and serving board in all of my pictures? Check out my husband, Dusty's website and online store to purchase one like it and view all of his other amazing, hand-crafted goods! They have been a lifesaver for me in the kitchen, and make for some great pictures, too!

Head over to for more info and to get yours now!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Three Bears Porridge: The Perfect Late-Night Snack To Help You Sleep Better
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | Three Bears Porridge: The Perfect Late-Night Snack To Help You Sleep Better

Sleep Tight

After you enjoy a bowl of 'Three Bears Porridge' and head back to bed, quiet your mind by focusing on each inhale and exhale and making them as relaxed and even as you can.

Feel free to try a bowl of creamy rice with berries, chia, matcha green tea powder, and honey on top as an energizing combination in the morning! Add a side of fresh-squeezed orange juice and you'll be set!

If you're interested in connecting or utilizing my coaching services, shoot me a message on my contact page. Also don't forget to subscribe to my monthly In The Raw newsletter to stay up-to-date on all things health and wellness--the May issue is in the works!

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How To Be Happy For The Holidays Series: Day 6

Design + Decor, Lifestyle, Mind + Soul, Rest, RelationshipsErin StanczykComment
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 6

Happy For The Holidays

Yesterday, a friend dropped by a holiday package that I just had to share with you all, because it fits in so perfectly with today's Holiday Hang-up No.6: Busyness // Overworking + Overcommiting // Burnout! Melissa and her team at Blooms & Bouquets, an event production company (check them out--they rock!), put together this thoughtful and creative holiday spa gift package! There's no better way to unwind and decompress during the crazy-busy holiday season than an at-home spa experience with scents of lavender and rose wafting in the air!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 6

In other news, it was Beau's 2nd birthday on the 15th, and I just had to share an adorable snapshot I snagged! Again, it was a fitting event to tie in with this blog post, because Dusty and I made a point to schedule time in the evening to celebrate our baby's birthday with a big ole present (a look-alike stuffed Bernese Mountain Dog--he's a serious softy when it comes to toys) and shower him with lots of kale dog treats--because what other kind would I get my pet?! I put his gift in a box and filled it with dog treats and it sat on the kitchen island all day while he waited patiently for it--and you better believe he knew it was for him! Dusty and I love to make a big deal out of things that might seem silly to some, but it's one way to take time out of our busy, sometimes stressful days, to anticipate a fun night at home and enjoy each other's company!

*If you haven't already, check out Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4, and Day 5 of the series!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 6
Holiday Hang-up 6

You’re working longer hours to be able to pay for everyone’s Christmas presents, and short days make you overly anxious to just get home and get into something cozy. But before you get home, you have to swing by the grocery store to pick up extra food and a bottle of wine to bring to your friend’s Christmas party. Easier said than done! During the holiday season, it doesn’t matter what time of day it is or where you’re going, you can’t avoid lines. Traffic is backed up at every intersection, the grocery store is full of people with lists of ingredients they can’t forget to pick up to make that special once-a-year dish, and it’s faster to park and run into Starbucks than to go through the drive-thru! Your Facebook is full of invites to holiday shindigs that you don’t want to miss out on, and this year you have to go to your family’s and your in-laws for Christmas. When does life slow down?!

Simple Solution 6
Unwind with an at-home spa day!

Unwind with an at-home spa day!


If you feel like you’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off, my advice is to start penciling in some down time. It can be difficult to start a new routine without some discipline, so try setting yourself a reminder on your phone. I started a morning routine that I’ve been doing pretty solidly this entire past year, and nothing has changed me more! I’m saving my morning routine for another blog post, and I encourage you to come up with your own morning or evening routine! Do things that are truly important to you—draw, read, write, listen to a podcast, meditate, workout, pray, take a bubble bath, do yoga, get a pedicure with a friend. Self-care is not a bad thing—rather than thinking of it as being selfish, think of it as being self-full! Stress is going to creep in, but it’s important to decompress before it builds and becomes unmanageable, leading to anxiety and depression.

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 6

Quiet Time

All of the chaos, noise, and running around can lead to chronic, low-grade stress that can end up wreaking havoc on your health if you don't take the time to slow down and unwind. I try to incorporate some quiet time into my day where I can just think, meditate, and pray. A phone app that I love to use is HeadSpace. If you're new to meditation, or just the thought of sitting still for more than 5 minutes, this app will do wonders for you! These guided meditation tracks are the perfect way to really get centered, weed through what's really going on inside, accomplish daily tasks more efficiently, and tackle bigger goals with less bumps in the road.


If you’re working extra-long hours by choice, but it’s just stressing you out, you’re eventually going to build up resentment and stress, and begin to dread Christmas time every year. If you set your budget or agreed with your family to make gifts (sage advice from Holiday Hang-up No.5), then maybe the extra hours won’t be as necessary! Check-in with yourself and evaluate whether it’s worth losing out on relaxing time at home—your sanity is much more important than money. 

When life gets crazy-busy, this is my retreat!

When life gets crazy-busy, this is my retreat!


If you’re like me, you feel like you’re missing out if you don’t go to every event you’re invited to. Recently, though, I’ve been getting really good at setting boundaries. Decide what’s important to you, and how you’re going to feel the next morning. Getting invited to go out with old friends for a night of bar-hopping may sound like fun, but you may get yourself into a situation where you’re out too late and it throws off the plans you had made for the next day. Try saying ‘no’ to that one, and make plans to go for brunch the next day.

On the other hand, that Christmas show at the event center downtown might actually be fun to go to after a dinner date with your special someone. This sounds like something to say ‘yes’ to, and the next morning you’ll be reminiscing about how amazing the show was and be happy you have energy and feel great!


Do Less! A lot of times, I love nothing more than just cozying up and watching a Christmas movie at home. Aah, the fine art of doing nothing! Trust me, you might feel like you’re missing out if you don’t go to every event, but you’re not! The next morning, you’ll already have moved on, feeling less stressed, more energized, and ready to take on the day. Remember, there is a difference between being busy and being productive—just because you’re always busy doesn’t mean necessarily mean you’re being productive!

Holiday Hang-ups Around Our Home

*Each day I'll also be sharing some "holiday hang-ups" around our home—because if there's one thing we love to do, it's decorate for Christmas.

Below is an up-close photo of Beau's birthday present that I just had to share, because wrapping gifts is one of my favorite pleasures! It's a fun way to be merry and stress-free! I used kraft paper, double-sided tape (a must), some white paper ribbon, a cute "Love" tag that I saved from last year (the hoarding comes in handy!), and tied some bells on, just to get the pup extra psyched! 

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 6

Below is a birch log that I had Dusty hang above our couch in the basement shortly after we moved in two years ago, and it's stayed up ever since! I thought it would be a fun way to change up the decor with the seasons, and for Christmas I like to hang these cute paper snowflakes, pinecones, and glittery ornaments, and wrap the log in tiny, twinkling wire lights--perfect lighting for watching movies!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 6
Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 6

See that unpainted ceramic Santa below? That's what I'm talking about when I say Do Less! We've had a tote full of half-painted and some completely unpainted Christmas ceramics, and it stressed me out every year that we would never get around to painting them. Then I realized how awesome they actually look just as they are! Problem solved!

Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design | | HOW TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS SERIES: DAY 6


As much as we may want to be at home doing less, there are going to be events you're obligated to go to. Sometimes you just have to power through--but be sure and do it with a smile on your face! Make a deal with yourself to take a personal health day after the new year, say, in February, when winter really starts to drag. Better yet, plan a relaxing vacation where you can veg out and practice the art of doing nothing!

Stay tuned for the seventh and final installation of my 7 Holiday Hang-ups + 7 Simple Solutions. In No. 7, I'll discuss: Perfectionism // High Expectations // Let Downs.

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Erin Stanczyk | Lifestyle Design |